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Greater Pittsburgh Soapbox Derby

The Soap Box Derby program was and is designed as a parent-child program.  A parent/guardian or adult is expected to help in the construction of the car. The adult must not build the car for the child, but share this experience by being there and giving help only if and when needed.  This program is meant to be an enjoyable learning experience for both adult and child, and provide them with the opportunity to develop mutual respect and trust, and demonstrate the importance of individual pride and sportsmanship.

Who Can Race?

The Greater Pittsburgh Soap Box Derby™  is open to all participants age 8 through age 17, subject to the following restrictions:

Stock Division: First-time participants must be 8 years old by the date of the local or rally race and must not turn age 14 before the July Championship race in Akron, Ohio

Super Stock Division: First-time participants must be 10 years old by by the date of the local or rally race and must not turn age 18 before the July Championship race in Akron.

Masters Division: .Age limits for Masters Division racers are the same as Super Stock.

A participant may enter only one car per year in only one official Local Stock or Super Stock Division Soap Box Derby.  

A participant must enter and participate in the official Soap Box Derby closest to his or her permanent residence as provided in the Local area franchise agreement.

A participant must drive only the racer that they build.
The entrant must participate in the construction of his/her car.

Driver and parent/guardian must completely fill out and sign the Derby entrant’s Official Soap Box Derby registration form and present it to the Soap Box Derby Director prior to final inspection. For the local race, entrant must also have a of his or her birth certificate.

Local Race Director