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Mission Statement

Greater Pittsburgh Soapbox Derby

The mission of the All-American Soap Box Derby is to educate and inspire youth through fair and honest competition and mentorship.  With a primary goal to advance family values, the AASBD provides an environment in which parents or other adults work hands-on with racers to install basic skills of workmanship, the spirit of competition, and the perseverance to complete a project from start to finish.

The AASBD serves international youth, ages 7 - 17 and embraces diversity, facilitates lifelong friendships, teaches the application of math and science concepts and advocates the true spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship.

Information Brochure

We are looking for individual or company sponsors to help keep the cars up-to-date and to purchase new cars so that no child is turned away from racing.  Please contact John Wagner to make a donation.
Thanks for your support

Local Race Director