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Greater Pittsburgh Soapbox Derby

Early Registration is $25 per  child and the deadline is Thursday, April 12, 2018 at midnight.

Late Registration is $35 per child and runs from April 13through Thursday, May 31, 2018 at midnight.

Register early to secure your slot. There are a limited number of entrants for each division so it is best to sign up early so you will be able to get a spot in this year’s race. For registration forms and information,  call Local Race Direcrtor  Brian.

In order to participate in the local derby race you will need to obtain a car for the division you would like to race in. You can purchase a kit from the All-American Soap Box Derby or from the Association

You will also have to buy weights to get the car to its maximum weight. The Super Stock car can be painted if you desire or left unpainted. The cars can have sponsor or other decorative decals added to them, and your name and car number if you would like. Cost of Car Sponsorship $150.00 

How do I sign up?

Driver and parent/guardian must completely fill out and submit the Derby entrant’s  Soap Box Derby™ registration form  and present a printed copy to Chuck Freyer, the Soap Box Derby Director prior to final inspection along with a copy of the entrant’s birth certificate.

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 Your finished car will go through inspection. Once passed inspection, we will impound the car on-site and later transport it to race day for you. Why do inspections? Inspections are mandated by the national headquarters in Akron. All of Akron's rules can be found in the rule books, which will be available on the site . You will have plenty of notice on any rule changes through our newsletters and especially if you attend one of the car clinics. It is our goal to strive to keep our event safe, equitable and fun for all children driving in the Soap Box Derby.

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Local Race Director